I can’t begin to express my infatuation with basic clothes. Think Jeff Goldblum on Letterman in the ’80’s, or any Eric Rohmer film. Simplicity has taken over my wardrobe. Brands have become extinct, at least to the naked eye. Gray T-shirts, white T’s, black T’s, vintage Levi’s. I’m walking with a different step knowing that the clothes on my back are in Lehman’s terms, offering onlookers nothing but sheer rawness.
I don’t know when this change came about, or why. It must’ve been around the same time I began wearing blazers. Something about a blank T-shirt paired with a hefty blazer made sense in my mind. I don’t jot this up to a lack of imagination, as a matter of fact, imagination is one of my few virtues.
In this modern society we call 2022, everything in our lives moves at a rapid pace. Something about simplifying my wardrobe has provided me with the mindfulness I need to maneuver the madness. I no longer have to decide whether or not a graphic T-shirt will be understood by a room full of strangers. That once mattered to me.
Dressing shouldn’t be a point of stress. To dress should be to go to the bathroom, an urge that you don’t question, but act on. When thinking of approaching the act of getting dressed in this way, I think you’ll find your look. Pretend your house is on fire and you have all but five minutes to get out. My imagination is still intact, remember? Personally, I'll be in a blank T with Levi's, and a blazer in arm as I run down the stairs.